Venture Building

Product Development

Market Strategies

Digital Transformation

I am your full-scope business building unit for your next digital market opportunity.

One thing is for certain – change is imminent and the only constant we expect with certainty. How we prepare for change and act on its dynamic determines how we secure position and grow in strength. In today’s business environment forces of change are deriving from multiple generators, most noticeable, technological advancements and socioeconomic shifts.

Business design & product
building for digital ventures.





First we create insights, than we make impact.  

Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity.

My subject matter expertise is the identification and activation of new business opportunities that emerge from external market forces such as service digitalisations, legal regulations and competitive pressures.

In my experiences as co-founder and business consultant I’ve participated along different industry segments at different project stages and obtained many insights into the formation and functions of venture concepts, business economics and market strategies.

In my practical hands-on involvements I’ve managed the product lifecycle for traditional consumer goods as well as products and services in the digital marketing and sales space.

I hold an MBA degree from Technische Universität Munich and certifications for software development and project management.

I am a curious enthusiast about technological innovations, cultural dynamics and new business creation.

My subject matter expertise is the identification and activation of new business opportunities that emerge from external market forces such as service digitalisations, legal regulations and competitive pressures.

In my experiences as co-founder and business consultant I’ve participated along different industry segments at different project stages and obtained many insights into the formation and functions of venture concepts, business economics and market strategies.

In my practical hands-on involvements I’ve managed the product lifecycle for traditional consumer goods as well as products and services in the digital marketing and sales space.

I hold an MBA degree from Technische Universität Munich and certifications for software development and project management.

I am your independent concept development partner and full-scope business building unit for your next digital market opportunities.

I am your independent concept development partner and full-scope business building unit for your next digital market opportunities.

I am your independent concept development partner and full-scope business building unit for your next digital market opportunities.

I am your independent concept development partner and full-scope business building unit for your next digital market opportunities.

Let’s connect and explore what we can build and achieve together.

Are you eager to boost your business activities within new markets and emerging segments?

Do you have an existing product that requires additional spins to take off?

Ever wondered how new technologies and product innovations challenge your current offers?

How impactful are socio-economic, demographic and political forces on your business vitality and competitiveness?